Once we had nova and watched some ball, in the last few years with nova, otetv and the crisis, the ball on TV became a luxury ...... so we decided to watch a match in live streaming, after a search on google we found several sites that offered free streaming of matches, so we prepared to enjoy the match and then we realized that the streaming window always had an annoying window in front


Very annoying ..... so you can't watch a match. Because we are of the philosophy that you either offer something for free or don't offer it at all and because football is the sport of the lou, we decided to show the common man how you can remove the annoying window in 5 seconds

  • right click on the screen and select "view item"


  • In the window that opens under our browser, we find the code that starts with <div id="html , with the line selected in the right window we add display: none;


  • and enjoy the match without annoying ads and windows over the match screen